Written By Unknown on Jumat, 21 Juni 2013 | 18.28


Nutrition Nutrition And HealthTips-Tips AdminNutrition for health benefits will be very good and provide many uses when it suits your needs and fulfillment of nutrients itself. Moreover, the nutritional needs of the child nutrition would greatly affect the future of the health status and level of intelligence and talents of children in the future. Therefore, knowing the importance of nutritional needs for good health for the development of the child or to keep and maintain the body's health and fitness should not be considered trivial.Because if we would underestimate the nutritional intake which can later lead to the body will experience a shortage of nutritional benefits then this is not likely to be an effect on health.Nutrients are elements contained in various types of foods that provide health benefits for humans. Each food consumed will certainly have different nutrients.Eating healthy and nutritious food is part of a healthy lifestyle for all of us without exception.Nutrients contained in these foods vary from one food to another. Such differences may be the type of nutrients contained in the food, and the amount of each nutrient content.Benefits of Nutrition for HealthFood is a part of the basic needs of every human being. Because in many foods contain nutrients that are essential for life and health of a person. Good healthy foods can help improve one's endurance, health manjaga fitness, emotional stability and passion in this life.Someone who pay attention to health and hygiene in the food they consume, will be reflected on himself. They will generally have a good body shape and proportion, glowing skin, strong muscles and a healthy body. Nutritional benefits of nutrients can be represented by nutritious foods and healthy who regularly consumed by humans.Nutritional functions in the body in general, we know a few rules as follows:Nutritional benefits as a Source of Energy.Part of the nutrients that are the source of energy is carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Energy we need to run all the activities of our daily routines. And also help in every process of the body's metabolism. Food sources of energy are generally found in staple foods, and can be found in rice and maize (carbohydrates). Margarine and butter (fat source). Meat, eggs, fish (source of protein).Benefits Growth Network Nutrition For Body.The role of nutrition and nutritional function in this case is forming cells in the body tissues, replacing cells damaged body and maintaining organ function. Part of the nutrient that functions as a growth substance is made up of protein, fat, minerals and vitamins. So one of the benefits of protein is that it helps in the process of pertumubuhan cells and tissues of our bodies.Nutritional benefits as an organizing principle.The point is the set of all metabolic processes that occur in our bodies so that it can run properly and produce health benefits. It is also useful as a metabolic balance in every case. Benefits of vitamin and mineral has a primary function as a regulator in our body. Food sources of these regulators can we get on the vegetables and fruits.As described above, nutrition bahwasannya defined and interpreted as constituting the basic ingredient food consisting of five kinds of nutrients which we are quite familiar ie Carbohydrates, Fats, Protein, Vitamins and Minerals. And each has a role in the nutrient nutrition nutritional benefits that can not be replaced with another one. Because each has its own role in the function and its benefits to our health.Someone who does not pay attention to his food habits and nutritional benefits and is likely to underestimate those who are not aware and understand that it would one day be able to cause health problems for those

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